Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sensible Senselessness

Is there actually any sense for senselessness? Maybe there is. It may seem ironical, but that is the beauty of it. People always search for weirdness among the ordinary. If we don't acquire it, we restrict ourselves to something just awkward, rather than weird. Either way, we satisfy ourselves somehow.

This particular title ‘Sensible Senselessness’ seems to impart a conundrum effect to the ambience. If implanted in our heads and watered for some time, you feel like throwing a tantrum rather than developing the idea. It grips the whole mood. But, some minds see such topics as a jackpot; thinking about it and entering the Angkor-Vat of the mind hands over a kind of entertainment and relief to them, as in, at least they tried figuring that out, rather than leaving it to see someone else do the same and laugh or to see someone else thinking over it and solidifying their knowledge base, while they just washed their hands off.

Senselessness is something everyone experiences at one time or the other....When people are in the whirlpool of problems; something happens in the family, their girlfriend/boyfriend sees you off the dating market; countless number of examples. They feel as if they are suddenly devoid of their ability to think, let alone making decisions. Whenever they try to focus on the millennia-old question-"What Now?” , they are suddenly diverted to an anti-hero "What Now?",meaning "there is nothing to be done. Everything is long lost”. They feel like their mind is playing games with them. They try to convince it that they have grown up and they need their own freedom to think and act, but the more they try to do that, the more their  mind's clock runs backward in time, making maturity a scarcity. Finally when their mind swallows all their abilities and gives them a dreadful nightmare of life, they automatically lose the ability to even try to bring themselves out of the pit and rather, dig deeper into the soil to cover themselves, assuming a false negative privilege; behaving like children who tend to make their tear flow turbulent for each and every minor issue, as if they faced a concussion.

But, there has to be a certain sense for senselessness. There has to be a reason for it to be there, because whenever people feel that they are senseless, they are actually exploring their innerself;the them within them, the real he/she who is always incognito;sadly,unknowingly but treacherously represented by the artificial 'them' who is the display model to the outer world. People may not think straight once they are senseless, but going in the other direction, they might end up understanding themselves more and more. It might even be the understanding which brings them out of the so-called mental catastrophe. It is not time which heals wounds, but it is this understanding which happens along with time which heals wounds. As said earlier, the mind's clock goes backwards once you are in a problem, making maturity a scarcity. But why can’t it be a blessing in disguise? This backward journey gives people an opportunity to analyze themselves right from the start, rather than from where they broke down. The building can go up thousands of feet provided its foundation is solid. The plant can grow and touch the skies if its roots are intact. The knot of the disaster unties itself once realization cures its start.

So, may be, rather than cursing nature for the way it has given our mind coordinates so as to move back at a disaster, if we try to find the reason behind that, we may see the smile that nature greets us with. We will repent everything we piled up, thinking, “THERE IS A CERTAIN SENSE FOR SENSELESSNESS”.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Y so serious???that is a question asked by conscience,or should I say sub-conscience,because many people like me still cant differentiate between the two.....Well whoever is asking,Ive got 3 words for ya:I dont know.......

Human mind is like boiling lava,they say......even the sight of it terrifies us,let alone the heat.....but once it cools down,it is as timid as a lamb...A glimpse into the deepest and darkest cornerstones of any human's mind shall show us engravings not noticeable elsewhere....even if he is the ultimate word for peace and satisfaction....The time when the face was the mind's mirror has gone,people...The nano age is breakdancing through the fabric of our society...Wonder when Mr.Pico,followed by Comrade Femto and General Atto arrives to slice him to pieces to show their extent of power....But wait,that is kind of an irony.....All these fellows decrease in size making themselves a thousandth-part of its predecessor(or should I say,successor......its a paradox,ladies and gentlemen....the play of science in common life..what a beauty),their extent of power is actually an indirect notion towards their magnificient property of becoming smaller......Yes,people,SMALL IS THE NEW BIG...

The nano age has downtrodden the purity which showed at least a trace in people's minds.....Doors closed,windows shut,active,rapid compression.....that is becoming the tagline of the nano age....Theoretical viewpoint provides infinetely variable quantities.....But the only such practical entity is the human mind...Once it has decided to shorten itself down,circumstances will take it for 1 hell of a ride.....At this rate,after a few more ages,humans won't have a mind at all.....Aah,Let fate open itself a way,or if the concept of fate is unbelievable,let man himself find a way to save himself......I would like to sign off by quoting the witches in Shakespeare's Macbeth:-
"Fair is foul and foul is fair
Hover through the fog and filthy air"............

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The other end of the tunnel was always a fascination for me......From a baby to an infant,an infant to a child,a child to a teenager,a teenager to a "so-called" adult.....always I had been on this end of the tunnel,wondering what the other end had to offer....

But,I guess I'm not mature enough to understand it completely....Growing old is mandatory,but growing always optional ;D....Living life as a kid is the real essence of it...I understand it now...Whenever I felt I was experiencing a fraction of the light spark from the other end,storms came and gave me a reverse blow...

College...Thats where I am now....Milestones a million passed to get here...but conquered????...I guess you can read the winky smile on my face... :D .But lite..I'm starting to believe that thinking about the future is like picking up the fork and spoon even before mom goes into the kitchen....So,currently,decided to live life as it is....Back To The Present.....Bow down to the past.....Looking forward to the future.......