Sunday, June 12, 2011

Drenched but yet,falsely exposed-modern age LOVE

A gaze upon the wide-open twilight scenario. The beautiful beach or the heavenly mountain top, alone in the sanctity of nature and her magical specimens. The range of sight moving about fast, as if in search; the auditory senses suddenly keen, so as to catch any pinpoint in the heaven around. Most of all; the heart, the soul, the person; longing for something, either long lost or ready for something completely sensuous for the first time in the long road called life. Sees it, hears it , feels it, yet, unless the person stands-out, he/she is denied it; the eyes witnessing, the ears hearing, the soul feeling the same thing. LOVE.

The above description may be laughed at as fantasy, or stupidity of a crazy mindset. But, any mind longing for pure love in their life will have experienced something similar to this, at least once, in their dreams. Some prove themselves worthy; they obtain what they want and reinstate the whole meaning of their existence. Some pretend they are worthy or manage to invoke a shield of fallacy over themselves. A part of the lot, the so-called "smarter ones" get away with what they want; some maintaining the cover for the whole life and lead on quite successfully, while the rest, get their covers blown at some point in the future and takes the blow of mental disaster. The "not-so-smarter ones" are blown off cover as if they were foresighted, as even though it is not a real battlefield, the battle of life requires heavy camouflage to remain incognito. A part of them "periods" the whole chapter then and there, either because they have obtained too much "unwanted" over the past, or because their soul is too fragile to take one rejection. Again, a part of them are guilty about what an imbecile they have been to put on hypocrisy as their safeguard, while the other section do not even have a tinge of guilty-feeling and moves on to the next endeavour. Even while all this remains as a habitual set of actions and hopes passed down over the years, there exists a third kind- People who do not strive to show themselves worthy or put on the cloak of falsehood to pretend they are worthy; people who live the way they really are. No pretentions, no hopes, but includes all the pluses and minuses of life; yet desires everything to come the way it really should. People who hate to hide the "real them" in them just to get something.

How do these three actually differ? Well, undoubtedly, although the world has gone through renovations throughout history, falsehood is still an international crime, if not according to the law, at least in the court of mind. So type 2-ers are off the list. Compare between 1 and 3. It is still a universal law that the "first impression is the best impression". Even with the ultramodern machines to analyze even the in-depth thoughts of a person, this axiom still holds the top spot. So, to an extent, type 1 should be given the credit.They have strived hard to be worthy of this particular sensation; they moved out of the box, from what they really were, and has made some sacrifices for the good or for the bad, and strongly believes they are ready-that certainly deserves an applause. But, spare a moment to think. Is that all what this is all about? If some person displays the long-back set notions about the prerequisites for love, does he deserve top grade? This is where a very important point comes in.

What is actually meant by this whole melodrama called love? Is it about the size of your house? Is it about the cost of your car? Is it about the number of miles a person has to walk inside your very own estate driveway to reach the bungalow? Is it even about external appearance? No solid answer. But, presumably, all this doesn't amount to it. There is much more to love than all this. Now, the way anyone's mind would go when they see the word LOVE is perfectly guessable. So, point made clear, the term LOVE encompasses all forms of it; love for parents, love towards your friends, teachers etc.

Dividing by zero is not defined. Zero is nothing but "nothingness". Dividing by nothingness is indeed not defined as ironically, nothingness is the only thing which can even attempt to play with feelings such as love. Or is it "was", because in today's connected world, love is only pseudo-connected. Today, matters concerning love for the fellow beings are more a matter of cell phones, emails, text messages, multimedia apps, online chat etc. It is in no way wrong, because all these are indeed mediums which equivocate between two people these days. But the fact remains undercover, that is really not how the pattern of love progresses.

Almost all might have heard this one time or the other from someone, whom you love or who is supposed to love you, when you are staying away for a short while. "All this time he/she has been out and not even one phone call". If the person is bit more advanced into the modern world, the phone call becomes a text message or a voicemail but all ultimately amounting to the same thing. If the two individuals are husband and wife, the matter immediately turns to suspicion, sometimes even employing temporary spies to work in the "emergency". But is this what love is all about? A breakage of contact with your dear one for a short while, and you go wayward and even start to doubt the love he/she has for you. People might say "It’s because we love them too much that we are too concerned", but it is absolutely sure that this is not the way to show it. This has only detrimental effects.

The society is like, if you are away for some time, away from your dear ones, you are obliged to contact them every now and then and ask "Hai, How are you, Had lunch? Why aren’t you asleep? You need good sleep.............", just like you give the key for an old-fashioned toy. The person at the other end enjoys it and expects the same each day too. But there is something which the people listening to it, do not understand. Not all, but a very good portion of people who talk do not actually mean it; it doesn't come from their hearts. They just do it out of fear that things will go in an extremely unpleasing way if they do not do so, bearing with the situation.

If presented with the situation, the people listening will always have their stands, because like many, they deny the hole in their layer. They'll say, "That is what is sacrifice and in a relation, sacrifices are a necessity". The analysis has to proceed in two directions here.

Direction 1: Agreed, they are doing a sacrifice. But a sacrifice, willing or unwilling, is something which transforms a person, different from who they actually are. Even if they are willing physically, the full lot won't be willing mentally. Still, circumstances force them to do it; the result-a turmoil filled mindset. They just forget themselves, forget the lives they want to live and play like Barbie doll who is supposed to drink tea, from an empty tea-cup in a dollhouse. If the people at the other end, who say they really do care about the other and that’s why they demand frequent contact, actually really does care, what they should be doing, is to make the other person comfortable, happy and peaceful, and for that, stubbornness is not really a good option.

Direction 2:Where in the all-that-is-existing, is this world going, if there exists a condition that you need a couple of sacrifices to prove your love to someone, what drastic condition does the world carry with it now at present, if you need a phone call or a text message or a voicemail to prove your love to someone. To add to it, if such demands are neglected at least to a small extent, the dormant-till-now, residential volcano erupts with no or very little scientific reason and the volcanic ash may stay on for even weeks.

Cell phones, the internet and all, didn't just fall out of the sky one day. They are the products of the evolution of man's surroundings along with him-magic of technology. It took him millions of years to finally present it as his marvel. But there was a time before, when none of this existed. There was a time, when man didn't even know how to speak. Forget man, it’s not just the species called Homo sapiens which knows the feeling of love. We have not yet reached the age when animals and birds talk human. So still, they are not supposed to talk. So, according to the points put forward nowadays, if a tiger has to show his love for his mate while he went hunting, maybe for even days, he has to get a cell phone from somewhere and call her to ask her "did you wear pink pants or red pants today?". In order to receive the call and go crazy over it, the tigress at the other end has to be pre-equipped with a cell phone too.

How did people express love for each other in those old ages? That was also a time when there was trust and love for each other, maybe even much more than what is witnessed today. The people blabbering and complaining about not getting a phone call or a message, should actually think and try to find out and imbibe the spirit which those people carried in them. Only then can there be a full-fledged relation where love knows no boundaries or obstacles, but flows freely like a mountain spring originating from the real origin, the heart, the soul, the real person, where your longing for love would not have a meaningless standstill, where love is so expressive, that you can see it, hear it and most of all, feel it.

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