Saturday, July 23, 2011

Seasons in the Sun

There exists a lone traveller. He who has been travelling on and on into the endless pit of destiny and has never stopped. He may transform in between to one of his infinite forms which is his camouflage. But under the hood, he is always the same old traveller, searching for the checkered flag all along, in vain. His hope is well depicted in the fact that he never gets tired, or it may even be an internal state of Amnesia which erases the previous chapter from his encyclopaedia of experiences. He is seen faintly, walking down the dark pathway, looking around for another sensual soul to bear witness to a pure version of what was called ‘truth’. Terrains shift, moods fluctuate, the conditions around him keep on circulating, other souls pass-by, but he is unable to obtain even a sense of presence from any of those; an opaque casing seems to cover the entire aisle. Surroundings irreverent, conditions irrelevant. The whole web-framework including all the simplicities and complications, tries to gobble up its own tail, never actually perioding the brunch.

The lone traveller is nothing but, a depiction of the entity called LIFE.

 ‘Seasons change. Do we?’ remembrance, the tagline of the autobiographical book by one of the lead characters in the renowned Malayalam film ‘Rithu’. The phrase carries with it, a perception of inquisitiveness. A year bears with it a change of various seasons. But, a year is, in such a consideration, a perfect fractal. The internal constituent of a year, the month, also carries with it, the privilege of varying climate over patches of time. So is the case with the fractal month, when each day does the very same, making each and every structural component, a fractal. Although these conditional clauses of existence provide a diverse panorama, ultimately all pass through the same gate, however big or small they may be, however long or short they may be. Time-frames and intensities over a large ruler, but each, a multiple of a basic fragment which is basically, the symbiote which encloses the whole anatomy.

The interrogation here is, simple both in verse and in context. How do the lone traveller and the fractal framework co-exist? Under in-depth inspection, it is clearly visible that both concepts interlink each other perfectly. Seasons change in behaviour, life also changes in behaviour. Seasons vary from place to place, life differs from person to person. The prototype of seasons is the climate, the prototype of life is the soul. Seasons cycle back with minor changes the following year, life cycles back with minor changes in a different form. Thus, we see an exact interlink between these two conceptual points-one physically visible, the other mentally acquirable. A keen look into a fragment may give a clue towards how a whole year can depict a complete lifetime.

The very first real season of a year is SPRING. The nomenclature well suits it. Also synonymic with the mountain stream which gives pure, fresh, unpolluted water, this season stands for the height of joy, hope and serenity which marks another chapter. The season where the sunny, warm climate makes it desirable to get outside and rejoice. All the adjectives and praises only point the finger to one event. The magic of BIRTH. The birth of an individual is a matter of social ecstasy. It is a matter of the burning blaze of hope for some, while it is the satisfaction of continuity for others. Flowers bloom in spring, so does birth rejuvenate the souls of idle minds. The freshening ambience fills the air; the smiling faces are everywhere to be seen. Thus, the numero uno season of Spring illustrates the numero uno character of a complete life, the birth of an individual.

When Spring waves goodbye, comes SUMMER. The scorching-hot fire in the mighty sun engraves an appellation in the milestone of our world, that still there is nothing beyond him to influence us. The sultry lifestyle and frequent idleness characterise the time-frame. In contrast, this is also a favourite season for tourists. The time when people grab official leave and set out to explore ‘cooler hotspots’ which were still missing links in their diary. They euphemize the season to their need, ultimately sprouting productivity from the seemingly unproductive time. This is the whole process of GROWING UP. The brand new surroundings and conditions exposed to the soul are tough to adjust to and it takes time to get accustomed. But, the helping hand provided by people who saw many more full moons always does the trick in moulding the soul into a real person. The childhood seems to be the age of timid pranks and simplicity which is just meant to be enjoyed and from which enjoyment is to be derived. But, ultimately it turns out that, childhood is the time when the foundation for values is laid and to an extent, strengthened. The right and the wrong is taught, the do’s and dont’s are told, the pros and cons are explained, and the child finally graduates out with some of the most priceless principles of life; creating maximum productivity out of the seemingly unproductive timeline.

Now is the advent of a patch of showers. The RAIN. The entity which is always viewed as the illusion of the supreme creator, even by grown-ups who are well versed with the nooks and corners of the scientific pathway behind it. Rain is welcome as a sudden freshener-compared to the role of a surprise entertainer, who enters out of the blue, brings out his talent to the fullest and exits, leaving marks of smiles on people’s faces and minds. Rain sometimes puts important work, whether official or personal, in jeopardy. Still, even while shadowing the entire scene with a curse or two, people enjoy the peaceful little vacation from the wayward life of documents, jobs, missions etc, silently thanking Providence for the marvel he has bestowed upon the world. This, precisely, is the process of LIVING. Frequent obstacles in life try to detour people into a highly rough terrain which seems inevitable. But, even while cursing the conditions and situations which led to the unexpected detour, people understand the hidden bliss in the ambience and see the detour in another angle, which makes them feel important and needed. Finally, when the whole task is completed, people feel the contentment of having achieved something worthy with their life.

Closely following the rain, comes AUTUMN or the FALL. The season of complete peace and silence. The trees prepare for their year-ending by shedding their leaves, proving their veracity to their life-cycle. The preface before the trees start their process of resilience. The twilight is the most favourite time of the day incorporated into the structure of the fall. The popular Autumn scenario consisting of the setting sun, the surroundings covered with falling leaves, people sitting on a bench gazing at people walking past are perfect omens to what Autumn represents in life. What else, but the OLD AGE. People have seen and heard what all they should have, and now, is the time to chronologically remember what all life has taught them till now. They shed their leaves of public enthusiasm and retire into a calm life, still silently enjoying all that is happening, and smiling and thinking at the wonderfully connected phenomenon of ‘existence’. The setting sun and the shed leaves symbolise the fall of external activity, but the colourful picture says that inside the mind, they are still prosperous. The people sitting on the bench-the old, wise generation and the people moving about, the young, activity-filled generation. The gaze is nothing but a watchful eye, protecting the young from dangers, as well as an intrigued vision on how the young have changed from the old.

Finally, the year ends with the WINTER. A season where climate brings down it’s extreme chill and tries to wear living things out. A season where normal life sidetracks to give way to an alternate existence altered and certified for the chill. Even though nature’s wrath strikes the world heavily, people transform the conditions into their way and find a path to find a different meaning to it. They try to be cheerful even in the midst of the frozen spine, and find the winter to be ‘different’. This is nothing but the curtain-fall of life-DEATH. The normal life which people carried on till then seems to be over and something new comes up. Death is the loss of an individual who saw and experienced much during his life time, and so, in effect the younger generation is losing a reference scripture. Much like nature’s harsh blow. But, positively thinking, it is a goodbye to a time well-spent and a life well-lived. People send the dead off, paying homage to their contributions to the world till then. Even that ends on a positive note, with the hopes of truth in the concept of rebirth, bringing back their vigour in expectance of another good individual who can contribute to the next generation.

This direct correspondence between the lone traveller and the fractal framework cannot be a coincidence. Such perfect blending of facts and figures actually give way to a much wider scenario to think and wonder about the meaning of life. This can be a proof that all that is around us, is indeed a moral study to each and every one of us. Providence gave us all the resources to make ourselves a better person. The challenge exists in the harnessing of those resources to the highest potential and efficiency.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Drenched but yet,falsely exposed-modern age LOVE

A gaze upon the wide-open twilight scenario. The beautiful beach or the heavenly mountain top, alone in the sanctity of nature and her magical specimens. The range of sight moving about fast, as if in search; the auditory senses suddenly keen, so as to catch any pinpoint in the heaven around. Most of all; the heart, the soul, the person; longing for something, either long lost or ready for something completely sensuous for the first time in the long road called life. Sees it, hears it , feels it, yet, unless the person stands-out, he/she is denied it; the eyes witnessing, the ears hearing, the soul feeling the same thing. LOVE.

The above description may be laughed at as fantasy, or stupidity of a crazy mindset. But, any mind longing for pure love in their life will have experienced something similar to this, at least once, in their dreams. Some prove themselves worthy; they obtain what they want and reinstate the whole meaning of their existence. Some pretend they are worthy or manage to invoke a shield of fallacy over themselves. A part of the lot, the so-called "smarter ones" get away with what they want; some maintaining the cover for the whole life and lead on quite successfully, while the rest, get their covers blown at some point in the future and takes the blow of mental disaster. The "not-so-smarter ones" are blown off cover as if they were foresighted, as even though it is not a real battlefield, the battle of life requires heavy camouflage to remain incognito. A part of them "periods" the whole chapter then and there, either because they have obtained too much "unwanted" over the past, or because their soul is too fragile to take one rejection. Again, a part of them are guilty about what an imbecile they have been to put on hypocrisy as their safeguard, while the other section do not even have a tinge of guilty-feeling and moves on to the next endeavour. Even while all this remains as a habitual set of actions and hopes passed down over the years, there exists a third kind- People who do not strive to show themselves worthy or put on the cloak of falsehood to pretend they are worthy; people who live the way they really are. No pretentions, no hopes, but includes all the pluses and minuses of life; yet desires everything to come the way it really should. People who hate to hide the "real them" in them just to get something.

How do these three actually differ? Well, undoubtedly, although the world has gone through renovations throughout history, falsehood is still an international crime, if not according to the law, at least in the court of mind. So type 2-ers are off the list. Compare between 1 and 3. It is still a universal law that the "first impression is the best impression". Even with the ultramodern machines to analyze even the in-depth thoughts of a person, this axiom still holds the top spot. So, to an extent, type 1 should be given the credit.They have strived hard to be worthy of this particular sensation; they moved out of the box, from what they really were, and has made some sacrifices for the good or for the bad, and strongly believes they are ready-that certainly deserves an applause. But, spare a moment to think. Is that all what this is all about? If some person displays the long-back set notions about the prerequisites for love, does he deserve top grade? This is where a very important point comes in.

What is actually meant by this whole melodrama called love? Is it about the size of your house? Is it about the cost of your car? Is it about the number of miles a person has to walk inside your very own estate driveway to reach the bungalow? Is it even about external appearance? No solid answer. But, presumably, all this doesn't amount to it. There is much more to love than all this. Now, the way anyone's mind would go when they see the word LOVE is perfectly guessable. So, point made clear, the term LOVE encompasses all forms of it; love for parents, love towards your friends, teachers etc.

Dividing by zero is not defined. Zero is nothing but "nothingness". Dividing by nothingness is indeed not defined as ironically, nothingness is the only thing which can even attempt to play with feelings such as love. Or is it "was", because in today's connected world, love is only pseudo-connected. Today, matters concerning love for the fellow beings are more a matter of cell phones, emails, text messages, multimedia apps, online chat etc. It is in no way wrong, because all these are indeed mediums which equivocate between two people these days. But the fact remains undercover, that is really not how the pattern of love progresses.

Almost all might have heard this one time or the other from someone, whom you love or who is supposed to love you, when you are staying away for a short while. "All this time he/she has been out and not even one phone call". If the person is bit more advanced into the modern world, the phone call becomes a text message or a voicemail but all ultimately amounting to the same thing. If the two individuals are husband and wife, the matter immediately turns to suspicion, sometimes even employing temporary spies to work in the "emergency". But is this what love is all about? A breakage of contact with your dear one for a short while, and you go wayward and even start to doubt the love he/she has for you. People might say "It’s because we love them too much that we are too concerned", but it is absolutely sure that this is not the way to show it. This has only detrimental effects.

The society is like, if you are away for some time, away from your dear ones, you are obliged to contact them every now and then and ask "Hai, How are you, Had lunch? Why aren’t you asleep? You need good sleep.............", just like you give the key for an old-fashioned toy. The person at the other end enjoys it and expects the same each day too. But there is something which the people listening to it, do not understand. Not all, but a very good portion of people who talk do not actually mean it; it doesn't come from their hearts. They just do it out of fear that things will go in an extremely unpleasing way if they do not do so, bearing with the situation.

If presented with the situation, the people listening will always have their stands, because like many, they deny the hole in their layer. They'll say, "That is what is sacrifice and in a relation, sacrifices are a necessity". The analysis has to proceed in two directions here.

Direction 1: Agreed, they are doing a sacrifice. But a sacrifice, willing or unwilling, is something which transforms a person, different from who they actually are. Even if they are willing physically, the full lot won't be willing mentally. Still, circumstances force them to do it; the result-a turmoil filled mindset. They just forget themselves, forget the lives they want to live and play like Barbie doll who is supposed to drink tea, from an empty tea-cup in a dollhouse. If the people at the other end, who say they really do care about the other and that’s why they demand frequent contact, actually really does care, what they should be doing, is to make the other person comfortable, happy and peaceful, and for that, stubbornness is not really a good option.

Direction 2:Where in the all-that-is-existing, is this world going, if there exists a condition that you need a couple of sacrifices to prove your love to someone, what drastic condition does the world carry with it now at present, if you need a phone call or a text message or a voicemail to prove your love to someone. To add to it, if such demands are neglected at least to a small extent, the dormant-till-now, residential volcano erupts with no or very little scientific reason and the volcanic ash may stay on for even weeks.

Cell phones, the internet and all, didn't just fall out of the sky one day. They are the products of the evolution of man's surroundings along with him-magic of technology. It took him millions of years to finally present it as his marvel. But there was a time before, when none of this existed. There was a time, when man didn't even know how to speak. Forget man, it’s not just the species called Homo sapiens which knows the feeling of love. We have not yet reached the age when animals and birds talk human. So still, they are not supposed to talk. So, according to the points put forward nowadays, if a tiger has to show his love for his mate while he went hunting, maybe for even days, he has to get a cell phone from somewhere and call her to ask her "did you wear pink pants or red pants today?". In order to receive the call and go crazy over it, the tigress at the other end has to be pre-equipped with a cell phone too.

How did people express love for each other in those old ages? That was also a time when there was trust and love for each other, maybe even much more than what is witnessed today. The people blabbering and complaining about not getting a phone call or a message, should actually think and try to find out and imbibe the spirit which those people carried in them. Only then can there be a full-fledged relation where love knows no boundaries or obstacles, but flows freely like a mountain spring originating from the real origin, the heart, the soul, the real person, where your longing for love would not have a meaningless standstill, where love is so expressive, that you can see it, hear it and most of all, feel it.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Realm of faith.....An undercover fear

"God Bless". Numbers have been counted so much while hearing this tagline throughout life. Each and every formal or informal conversation meets the curtain with this sentence. Although I followed that blindly during my entire childhood, lately I have begun to question the substance in it. Intending no disrespect to God, if he actually exists, not actually confirming he does not exist, my intention is to make people think about this fact before blindly imbibing the essence into their souls.

"Do you believe God exists?".  An obvious answer from most of the individuals. It is a "Yes". The minority, the atheists who are brave enough to shout out their belief in front of the common man, are obviously exceptions. But even in them, there is always an inquisitive approach towards the whole plethora of thoughts about the Providential substantiality. Still, category number three, the so-called Satan worshippers say they don’t believe in God, but only the creed of Satan. But even in them, there is a lining of a trace of a natural intuition that if Satan exists, God should exist as well.

"Why do you pray to God?". I have asked this to many people to understand their views and to gain an insight into the mechanism of the spiritual side of a person's mindset. Into the majority's solution set first- "Because I want everything to go well with me and my life"- Plain reply of a simpleton's mind. But that never satisfied me. I go after a small link until it satisfies me somehow. In a stage created in my mind, it enacts myself out- the perplexed complexity of my thoughts. "So are you saying that if you do not pray to God, he will not make your life go well?". Now you see a disliked tint on the face of the person. But as I said, my mind is my master, and I try to be a loyal servant. Reply number two:"Well, if we neglect him, he certainly would not like it, just like anyone". Here I split the route map to two different directions.

Direction 1:If God will not make everything go well in your life, if you do not pray to him, is not God a cruel person?. Obviously, the face has started to turn really ugly, but I stay on. Surprisingly or not, which I am still pondering upon, I saw the conundrum essence in the situation. There was no answer. A little bit of a gaze here and there, but temporary dumbness binding its vines all around. Finally, after much time, a reply came. "Maybe he is cruel in some situations. He is like anyone else. He is a person who, without our knowledge, follows us always". This further stabilized my target on Direction 2.

Direction 2:If God is like anyone else, then why shouldn’t God be human? The other person has established it further as said the previous paragraph. A person who is in between us, to check if we are praying or not? And as expected, it is a NO. "To give us what we want". So, in effect we loop back in the cycle to "Why do you pray to God?". If he is in between us, and is giving what we want, then why pray for it? The answer of courtesy is just escapism because the aspect of courtesy is a human feeling or idea and incorporating the Almighty Providence with it makes him a human completely. An irony neatly blended in itself.

I asked one more question further to some people. People who carry the very same idea, but despise the entire range of the so-called "Swamijis, Ammas and Mathas" or in a more formal way. "The Human Gods". If God is as human as you express, why don’t you believe in the human Gods? No answer for most of them. But some of them ultimately gave their thought. "Many of the existing so-called human Gods are engulfed in fallacy" Then on what account do you consider God as real? If he is so human and is very much similar in essence to the human Gods? No answer.

Even if the dictionary of their knowledge is apocalyptically wiped out on this matter, most people are just reluctant to admit the fact. But, if they admit such a fact, they aren’t accepting defeat at all, in the war. Instead, their aura of a real personality brightens up to the next level. Sadly, very few understand this fact. They just try to mug-up stories to hypocritically prove that they are quite scholars in this eternal questionnaire to which no one has any solid answer. They just follow what has been told to them without even wondering the in-deep thought behind it. But, many-a-times, a show of falsehood to patronise their own gallant pool of knowledge results in a bad impact towards the person who they really are.

But at the opposite pole, I saw wonderful explanations on God; how people see him, although it is not the ultimate truth. And unlike these people, they never tried to establish the fact they believed in, they just found happiness in what they believe. My friend Rajshree made a mesmerizing thought. She saw God in the form of a friend, with whom she talks whenever she feels like. The whole concept of praying just before you do attempt something great, was just not her thing. Next it was my friend Chaitali's turn. She believed everything that is happening in this world is already preset. Whatever we do, it all comes down to that particular encoded fragment in the array of time which decides the present, and in effect, the past and the future. She viewed everyone as parts of a single soul, so that whenever a person hurts another, he is indirectly hurting his own self. Both of them are short, simple, concise, yet carries all the beauty and reasoning in it.

I never say God does not exist. I never ascertain the proof that he does, either. My intention is to make everyone stumble upon such a thought whenever they think of prayer. If they can give a valid explanation as above to themselves, they are the most worthy people in the world. I believe there is one supreme creator, just one, who created all these which we see around us, and who manages all these without the discrimination of who prays and who does not, without the discrimination of who spends whole days in temples, churches etc. just to see the idol for a split second and giving the crude explanation that "Go through difficulties, only then can you see the true essence of God"(which clearly redirects to "Is God cruel?") and those who have decided they will never go anywhere to worship him but believe he is anywhere and everywhere, all are his children only. He is a form of inspiration which fills us and gives the courage to face the life ahead. Saluting that almighty power, I conclude in humble ecstasy of having let myself out and having presented a viewpoint which at least some might find intriguing.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Infinity thinking

‘Science Fiction’. The phrase has degraded into an old-fashioned state. ’Sci-Fi’ is what the speeding, short-cut seeking generation calls it. Now that is a beauty. But the reference to the word "now" is actually a perplexed one. What exactly is meant by saying "now"? What significance does it have, when we are just a group of individuals clustered around an aurora of belief that we are something in the whole-wide universe? But, the universe is not large; it can be subjected to much thought, provided we have an alternate viewpoint to gaze upon it.

“How did the universe come about into existence?”A question, asked millions of times and still, without a convincing solution. It might as well be a paradox, but we are even unclear what the paradox is. We know it is beyond any simple explanation, but we do not know what makes it complex. If we ever figure that out, we figure out the answer to the phenomenon called "existence". But what exactly is this gravely hyped up matter called “existence”? Most of us would not have an answer. There might be few who can speak in authoritarian terms on the matter. But their mindsets would be yet to reach cent percent completion in the hunt for answers. The few who try to mug up something would be the few whose self-esteem does not let them project the helplessness of their souls who are waiting for an answer. A commoner’s explanation may carry the ideology something like this-“Existence, well, it is something there was, there is and maybe there will be. Just like an axiom, it has to be there for the equations to have a meaning first, let alone matching. ”

What is the reason for existence? On the outermost milestone of the mind as of now, it can be reframed as “Why is the universe there?”. One of the biggest and most intrigued mega-questionnaire of all times, with just  one question. WHY? Maybe because God, if he actually exists, felt the need to do something worthy with his life(If God is said to have a life-span, he most certainly will have a life; Lord Brahma is said to have a life-span of 100 Brahma-years, so, however large that might be, he ultimately has to die). Now it’s the continuity phenomenon. What has God got to do with life? Is God so easy to handle by incorporating that force with terms such as life? We can place an argument against the aforesaid reason, that life has meaning only for living things. But, the cross-questioning heightens still. So, if god does not have anything to do with life. Does that mean he is non-living?- as sturdy and lifeless as a mountain, for starters, but way beyond; as lifeless and numb as a piece of stone. According to popular beliefs and the search for the ultimate answer, God is not that easy to interpret, but if he were so, according to the previous reasoning, then why do people worship such a person, who does not have anything to do with life and therefore, is non-living? People will have to keep themselves confined to their own worlds, not to answer to that. The only substantial statement, although the summit of a lack of clarity, that we can make in order to escape this active, yet very much passive situation is that god is someone way beyond the borderlines of anything existing, way beyond any imagination or understanding. But that does not satisfy science at all.

How did the universe originate? It’s still more perplexed, but really less flexible than the previous consideration, as what science demands is solid proof. But the fact is that science in itself is a mockery of its own self. Even when science boasts it has found out the mechanism behind the working of most of the things existing, it can never provide absolute proof to anything. The word ABSOLUTE needs to be stretched here. Science may provide an explanation, but it will never be absolute. There will still be a kind of statelessness as you think one level ahead of the solution science gives you. There will always be another deeper level to consider because the range of imagination and the subsequent interrogation extends itself to infinity. Since infinity can be achieved only theoretically, practicality goes without a limit. For example, accuracy and precision are concepts used in each and every field of life. But science can never give you absolute accuracy. However hard we try, we can never reach the ultimate sub portion of a metre length. You can just try to extend it as much as possible, but you can never attain that final point.

The Large Hadron Collider is trying to find the Higgs-Boson particle a.k.a  'God's Particle’, the particle which gives mass everything we sense around us. But,what if we find a Higgs-Boson? We don’t get an ultimate answer. Our intellect will naturally force us to ask the next question. Why does the Higgs-Boson carry mass?

This kind of a rapid fire interrogation will never end when you think about it. We just knowingly, yet unknowingly try to confine ourselves to what we can think of, in each and every corner of any expertise. But once in a while, such kind of a thinking is good, because it helps us see what a barbaric mental state all of us are having, as in, it helps us to understand the fact that compared to what we do not know, what we know is not even a needle in a haystack.

Monday, February 7, 2011

El-Dorado-physical or beyond?

'The Road to El-Dorado’. For a small kid, it might be an arduous endeavour to decipher what the nomenclature meant when the series broadcasted in Star Movies. A point in time meant for pointless, yet very pointed pranks.’El-Dorado’-the name is mystical enough to catch the eyes of a commoner. It is actually weird for a city of gold to be called such a name. But the way the human mind progresses along its path, it refuses to put a “period” anywhere. If it encounters a blockage, it does not even think about stepping back; a purposeful provocation by itself-that is the ultimate impetus to it.

Every nook and corner of an ancient city made of sparkling, dazzling chunks of solid, priceless gold. This picturesque description is more than enough to drive a normal human mind wayward. It may even create a swing in the so-called "devoid of material pleasures" people. Throughout history, countless number of souls have been heard of, following the fantasy trail to the abode of falsehood, only to know history made them its soccer ball and that it is too late to even consider looking back. Still there are hopeful souls, who do believe hypocrisy always takes a wrong turn around the corner.

The thought is interesting. Why did such a story arise in the first place? It is too naive in its storyline, yet too complex in consequences. Such a massive spread-out needs to have a solid reasoning proof behind it. El-Dorado is known to be the name of a tribal chief who covered himself in gold, which later went on to become the name of the "Legendary Lost City of Gold". It seems it is engulfed in utter ridicule on itself. How does the name of the person turn out to be the name of a city and that too, something which does not even exist? Maybe it feels too extravagant to let the thought loose now. But it was not so earlier, as proved by the number of people who went after it.

Maybe the interpretation was wrong. Human mind learnt long before to think out of the box. The person or the group who was behind this story of El-Dorado might have aimed at a different kind of gold. They might have been, in a way, testing the very special talent of human mind to encircle the bizarre nature of the situation and figure it out-‘as physical as gold’ may have been a direct correspondent to ‘as mental as goodness’. The sparkling priceless amount of gold might have been meant to refer to the ultimate universal truth of goodness and peace. But, here an irony is witnessed. Today, most rebellion in the world takes place for money, the way-too-wrongly interpreted form of the intended gold. Maybe, through the legend of El-Dorado, the clan behind it were actually giving us an insight into what the future should be. People who thought well in advance, people who saw the ideal future much before anyone actually thought of it, or more appropriately, before anyone is actually thinking about it, because the thought is not growing its roots inside us, still. It is somewhere in there, but it is just having a masquerade.

This might have been the way Sir Thomas Moore thought of El-Dorado when he coined 'Utopia' in 1516-a dreamland, ideal society where people lived in harmony with each other. A more modern fictional interpretation of what ‘El-Dorado’ might have meant. He saw it, but could not realize the dream. The path the human race is following gives no hope of a possible future Utopia. Technology might grow, but evil will grow with it, while peace and harmony will stumble upon boulders, thereby inhibited from moving at the pace of the world, forced to retreat.

Else it might have been the work of a few people of radical mindset, who thought the haywire nature of human mind should be controlled and spread such a story so that people would instantly set out to search for it, and eventually discover their own folly-that neither greed creates limits to itself nor does fate volunteer to provide one. But even this dream of theirs is not fulfilled. After all what has happened, there are still people believing in El-Dorado directly or indirectly, through unhealthy human emotions. All work, intended to make man realize his folly, in fact went into folly. The tryst with irony comes to life again.

There isn’t much to do now, but to hope for a light which will cure all diseases, not only external, but also internal. Even if such a city of gold existed and people found it out, the next battle will be over the ownership of that. Never-ending warfare, never-commencing peace-guiding light beyond all perceptions, bow down before thee.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sensible Senselessness

Is there actually any sense for senselessness? Maybe there is. It may seem ironical, but that is the beauty of it. People always search for weirdness among the ordinary. If we don't acquire it, we restrict ourselves to something just awkward, rather than weird. Either way, we satisfy ourselves somehow.

This particular title ‘Sensible Senselessness’ seems to impart a conundrum effect to the ambience. If implanted in our heads and watered for some time, you feel like throwing a tantrum rather than developing the idea. It grips the whole mood. But, some minds see such topics as a jackpot; thinking about it and entering the Angkor-Vat of the mind hands over a kind of entertainment and relief to them, as in, at least they tried figuring that out, rather than leaving it to see someone else do the same and laugh or to see someone else thinking over it and solidifying their knowledge base, while they just washed their hands off.

Senselessness is something everyone experiences at one time or the other....When people are in the whirlpool of problems; something happens in the family, their girlfriend/boyfriend sees you off the dating market; countless number of examples. They feel as if they are suddenly devoid of their ability to think, let alone making decisions. Whenever they try to focus on the millennia-old question-"What Now?” , they are suddenly diverted to an anti-hero "What Now?",meaning "there is nothing to be done. Everything is long lost”. They feel like their mind is playing games with them. They try to convince it that they have grown up and they need their own freedom to think and act, but the more they try to do that, the more their  mind's clock runs backward in time, making maturity a scarcity. Finally when their mind swallows all their abilities and gives them a dreadful nightmare of life, they automatically lose the ability to even try to bring themselves out of the pit and rather, dig deeper into the soil to cover themselves, assuming a false negative privilege; behaving like children who tend to make their tear flow turbulent for each and every minor issue, as if they faced a concussion.

But, there has to be a certain sense for senselessness. There has to be a reason for it to be there, because whenever people feel that they are senseless, they are actually exploring their innerself;the them within them, the real he/she who is always incognito;sadly,unknowingly but treacherously represented by the artificial 'them' who is the display model to the outer world. People may not think straight once they are senseless, but going in the other direction, they might end up understanding themselves more and more. It might even be the understanding which brings them out of the so-called mental catastrophe. It is not time which heals wounds, but it is this understanding which happens along with time which heals wounds. As said earlier, the mind's clock goes backwards once you are in a problem, making maturity a scarcity. But why can’t it be a blessing in disguise? This backward journey gives people an opportunity to analyze themselves right from the start, rather than from where they broke down. The building can go up thousands of feet provided its foundation is solid. The plant can grow and touch the skies if its roots are intact. The knot of the disaster unties itself once realization cures its start.

So, may be, rather than cursing nature for the way it has given our mind coordinates so as to move back at a disaster, if we try to find the reason behind that, we may see the smile that nature greets us with. We will repent everything we piled up, thinking, “THERE IS A CERTAIN SENSE FOR SENSELESSNESS”.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Y so serious???that is a question asked by conscience,or should I say sub-conscience,because many people like me still cant differentiate between the two.....Well whoever is asking,Ive got 3 words for ya:I dont know.......

Human mind is like boiling lava,they say......even the sight of it terrifies us,let alone the heat.....but once it cools down,it is as timid as a lamb...A glimpse into the deepest and darkest cornerstones of any human's mind shall show us engravings not noticeable elsewhere....even if he is the ultimate word for peace and satisfaction....The time when the face was the mind's mirror has gone,people...The nano age is breakdancing through the fabric of our society...Wonder when Mr.Pico,followed by Comrade Femto and General Atto arrives to slice him to pieces to show their extent of power....But wait,that is kind of an irony.....All these fellows decrease in size making themselves a thousandth-part of its predecessor(or should I say,successor......its a paradox,ladies and gentlemen....the play of science in common life..what a beauty),their extent of power is actually an indirect notion towards their magnificient property of becoming smaller......Yes,people,SMALL IS THE NEW BIG...

The nano age has downtrodden the purity which showed at least a trace in people's minds.....Doors closed,windows shut,active,rapid compression.....that is becoming the tagline of the nano age....Theoretical viewpoint provides infinetely variable quantities.....But the only such practical entity is the human mind...Once it has decided to shorten itself down,circumstances will take it for 1 hell of a ride.....At this rate,after a few more ages,humans won't have a mind at all.....Aah,Let fate open itself a way,or if the concept of fate is unbelievable,let man himself find a way to save himself......I would like to sign off by quoting the witches in Shakespeare's Macbeth:-
"Fair is foul and foul is fair
Hover through the fog and filthy air"............

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The other end of the tunnel was always a fascination for me......From a baby to an infant,an infant to a child,a child to a teenager,a teenager to a "so-called" adult.....always I had been on this end of the tunnel,wondering what the other end had to offer....

But,I guess I'm not mature enough to understand it completely....Growing old is mandatory,but growing always optional ;D....Living life as a kid is the real essence of it...I understand it now...Whenever I felt I was experiencing a fraction of the light spark from the other end,storms came and gave me a reverse blow...

College...Thats where I am now....Milestones a million passed to get here...but conquered????...I guess you can read the winky smile on my face... :D .But lite..I'm starting to believe that thinking about the future is like picking up the fork and spoon even before mom goes into the kitchen....So,currently,decided to live life as it is....Back To The Present.....Bow down to the past.....Looking forward to the future.......