Monday, February 7, 2011

El-Dorado-physical or beyond?

'The Road to El-Dorado’. For a small kid, it might be an arduous endeavour to decipher what the nomenclature meant when the series broadcasted in Star Movies. A point in time meant for pointless, yet very pointed pranks.’El-Dorado’-the name is mystical enough to catch the eyes of a commoner. It is actually weird for a city of gold to be called such a name. But the way the human mind progresses along its path, it refuses to put a “period” anywhere. If it encounters a blockage, it does not even think about stepping back; a purposeful provocation by itself-that is the ultimate impetus to it.

Every nook and corner of an ancient city made of sparkling, dazzling chunks of solid, priceless gold. This picturesque description is more than enough to drive a normal human mind wayward. It may even create a swing in the so-called "devoid of material pleasures" people. Throughout history, countless number of souls have been heard of, following the fantasy trail to the abode of falsehood, only to know history made them its soccer ball and that it is too late to even consider looking back. Still there are hopeful souls, who do believe hypocrisy always takes a wrong turn around the corner.

The thought is interesting. Why did such a story arise in the first place? It is too naive in its storyline, yet too complex in consequences. Such a massive spread-out needs to have a solid reasoning proof behind it. El-Dorado is known to be the name of a tribal chief who covered himself in gold, which later went on to become the name of the "Legendary Lost City of Gold". It seems it is engulfed in utter ridicule on itself. How does the name of the person turn out to be the name of a city and that too, something which does not even exist? Maybe it feels too extravagant to let the thought loose now. But it was not so earlier, as proved by the number of people who went after it.

Maybe the interpretation was wrong. Human mind learnt long before to think out of the box. The person or the group who was behind this story of El-Dorado might have aimed at a different kind of gold. They might have been, in a way, testing the very special talent of human mind to encircle the bizarre nature of the situation and figure it out-‘as physical as gold’ may have been a direct correspondent to ‘as mental as goodness’. The sparkling priceless amount of gold might have been meant to refer to the ultimate universal truth of goodness and peace. But, here an irony is witnessed. Today, most rebellion in the world takes place for money, the way-too-wrongly interpreted form of the intended gold. Maybe, through the legend of El-Dorado, the clan behind it were actually giving us an insight into what the future should be. People who thought well in advance, people who saw the ideal future much before anyone actually thought of it, or more appropriately, before anyone is actually thinking about it, because the thought is not growing its roots inside us, still. It is somewhere in there, but it is just having a masquerade.

This might have been the way Sir Thomas Moore thought of El-Dorado when he coined 'Utopia' in 1516-a dreamland, ideal society where people lived in harmony with each other. A more modern fictional interpretation of what ‘El-Dorado’ might have meant. He saw it, but could not realize the dream. The path the human race is following gives no hope of a possible future Utopia. Technology might grow, but evil will grow with it, while peace and harmony will stumble upon boulders, thereby inhibited from moving at the pace of the world, forced to retreat.

Else it might have been the work of a few people of radical mindset, who thought the haywire nature of human mind should be controlled and spread such a story so that people would instantly set out to search for it, and eventually discover their own folly-that neither greed creates limits to itself nor does fate volunteer to provide one. But even this dream of theirs is not fulfilled. After all what has happened, there are still people believing in El-Dorado directly or indirectly, through unhealthy human emotions. All work, intended to make man realize his folly, in fact went into folly. The tryst with irony comes to life again.

There isn’t much to do now, but to hope for a light which will cure all diseases, not only external, but also internal. Even if such a city of gold existed and people found it out, the next battle will be over the ownership of that. Never-ending warfare, never-commencing peace-guiding light beyond all perceptions, bow down before thee.