Thursday, January 27, 2011

Y so serious???that is a question asked by conscience,or should I say sub-conscience,because many people like me still cant differentiate between the two.....Well whoever is asking,Ive got 3 words for ya:I dont know.......

Human mind is like boiling lava,they say......even the sight of it terrifies us,let alone the heat.....but once it cools down,it is as timid as a lamb...A glimpse into the deepest and darkest cornerstones of any human's mind shall show us engravings not noticeable elsewhere....even if he is the ultimate word for peace and satisfaction....The time when the face was the mind's mirror has gone,people...The nano age is breakdancing through the fabric of our society...Wonder when Mr.Pico,followed by Comrade Femto and General Atto arrives to slice him to pieces to show their extent of power....But wait,that is kind of an irony.....All these fellows decrease in size making themselves a thousandth-part of its predecessor(or should I say,successor......its a paradox,ladies and gentlemen....the play of science in common life..what a beauty),their extent of power is actually an indirect notion towards their magnificient property of becoming smaller......Yes,people,SMALL IS THE NEW BIG...

The nano age has downtrodden the purity which showed at least a trace in people's minds.....Doors closed,windows shut,active,rapid compression.....that is becoming the tagline of the nano age....Theoretical viewpoint provides infinetely variable quantities.....But the only such practical entity is the human mind...Once it has decided to shorten itself down,circumstances will take it for 1 hell of a ride.....At this rate,after a few more ages,humans won't have a mind at all.....Aah,Let fate open itself a way,or if the concept of fate is unbelievable,let man himself find a way to save himself......I would like to sign off by quoting the witches in Shakespeare's Macbeth:-
"Fair is foul and foul is fair
Hover through the fog and filthy air"............

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